Register for a Library Card
This form allows you to register online as a temporary customer of the Folsom Public Libraries. Your privileges will be limited to requesting item holds. To receive your permanent library card, bring photo ID with current address to the check-out desk at the library within 14 days. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian providing ID as above. Borrowing materials and accessing databases requires a permanent library card.
By clicking Register, below:
- I understand the library provides a broad range of materials, in print, and, other formats, as well as through the Internet, some of which may not be suitable for minors.
- I understand that Library policy permits children access to all resources and materials within the library.
- All library cardholders are granted user confidentiality under the California Public Records Act (Government Code 6267) which prohibits the release of circulation records of library users
- I accept responsibility for the selections I make for myself and those made by my children.
- I agree to obey the rules and policies of the Folsom Public Library and to be responsible for all materials borrowed and for all charges incurred for any overdue, lost, or damaged materials borrowed with this card. Please review our Lending Policy and Fee Schedule.
- I agree to notify the Library of changes in address or email address, telephone number, and name, or if this card is lost or stolen.
- I understand that my email address will be used to notify me of the delivery of requested items and when materials are overdue.